Part 1
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Max Armstrong starts off with an interview with Rabobank Protein Analyst Christine McCracken to discuss the livestock markets which have been hampered by restaurant closures and trade. Greg Soulje checks in on planting weather for the last week. Matt Bennett of AgMarket.net joins Mike to talk about the markets. He’s seeing some positive signs in trade and a bit of a sunshine coming with the May 12th report.
Part 2
Matt Bennett of AgMarket.net rejoins Mike to talk about planting progress so far. In the Colby Ag Tech segment Chad Colby explains how modern sprayer technology works. Next we get a brief excerpt from the latest BEEF Magazine Rancher Roundtable talking sustainability. Sign-up for the webinar here.
Part 3
Max Armstrong discusses land values during the pandemic with Ray Brownfield of Land Pro LLC. Despite myriad challenges he identifies some positives in the market. Delaney Howell checks in with Mike Pearson to update planting progress in Illinois.
Part 4
Mike Pearson introduces the BASF Plan Smart Grow Smart segment where Max chats with Cory Atley and BASF’s Scott Kay about farming during the pandemic. Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje joins Max and Steve to look at the forecast for the week ahead.
Part 5
Agricultural Meteorologist Greg Soulje returns to take a look at the long-range weather picture.
Part 6
In Max’s Tractor Shed, Max introduces a 1966 Oliver 1550, named Ralph and owned by Dave Drury in Danville, Indiana. Mike Pearson profiles Stuarts Draft FF of Stuarts Draft, Virgina, they are very active on a number of fronts including working their machine shop, a greenhouse and more. Member Ryan Altis describes their Landscape of Love project where they landscape a cancer patient’s yard. In Samuelson Sez, Orion Samuelson is remembering his graduation from Ontario High School and wondering how current graduates will face COVID-19. Plus one agriculture organization that found a way to help student.
Part 7
Mike Pearson introduces a conversation between Max and Jen Sorenson, President-elect of NPPC, talking about the struggles for hog farmers.